Showing posts with label Selenium IDE Practical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selenium IDE Practical. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

First Practical Using Selenium IDE

Once you Install Selenium IDE successfully, You can see that SELENIUM IDE icon on Right Side Top.

Click on that Icon and You will have below screen to start:

Once You will Click on that Icon, You will see Below Screen:-

  • Record a new test in a new project: Start a New Test Case
  • Open an existing project: Open the existing one
  • Create a new project: Create complete new project and add new test cases
  • Close Selenium IDE: Close the IDE

Now, Here is the our test case which we are going to record using Selenium IDE:

  1. Launch Google.Com
  2. Search for word 'Selenium'
  3. Click on Search Button
  4. Once Search Result Come on Next Page
  5. Click on 1st Link of Search Result

So now, let's do Practical Step by Step

1> Start a New Test Case, Select 1st Option. [Record a new test in a new project]

2> Once you will click on this option then you have to give Project Name.

3> Then you need to define the Base URL of Web Based application.
Once You enter URL for Google.Com, And Click on 'Start Recording' button.

It will load the screen as below and you can see prompt saying "Selenium IDE is Recording"

Now, Follow the steps and record the steps, once you finish the steps, Click on "Stop Recording".

Once you Click on "Stop Recording", It will ask for the Test Case Name. You can give anything like Google Search.

Once Everything is Saved, Then You can click on Play Button and Run the same Test Case again and see the logs as below.

You can go trough all Commands, Target & Values to know about Selenium Commands Locators understanding.

Congratulation !!! You have Stepped In to Automation World Now !!!

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